Here’s an article with a step-by-step guide on how to use the binance api hmac sha256 authentication method in Ruby using rails.
Authentication with Binance API Using HMAC SHA256
The Binance API Uses HMAC SHA256 For Authentication, which Requires A Secret Key. You can generate a Secret Key by Following thesis Steps:
- Go to [binance developer dashboard] ( and create an account if you don’t already have one.
- Click on “Apis & Services” and Search for the Binance API Documentation.
- Click on the “Authentication” section.
- Click on “Generate Secret Key” to Generate a Secret Key.
Ruby code
Here’s an Example of how to use the binance API HMAC SHA256 Authentication Method in Ruby Using Rails:
Require 'Base64'
Require 'JSON'
Set Your Binance API Credentials and Secret Key
Binance_api_key = "your_api_key"
Binance_secret_key = "your_secret_key"
Set the endpoint url for the binance api
End_point = "
Class Binance
Endpoint = "/V3/"
Def Initialize (API_Key, API_Secret)
@api_key = API_Key
@api_secret = API_Secret
Authenticate With the Binance API Using HMAC SHA256
Def Authenticate
Signature = Digest :: Sha256.hexdigest (@api_key + ':' + @api_secret)
URL = "#{endpoint} Auth/signature"
Headers = {"Content-Type" => "Application/X-WWWW-Form-UrlenCoded"}
Data = {"Grant_Type" => "Urn: Binance: API: Binance: sign", "Client_id" => Binance_Api_Key, "Client_secret" => Signature}
response = httparty.get (URL, headers: headers, body: data.to_url)
if response.code == 200
Json.Parse (response.body) ['Signature']
Get the Current User's Information
Def Get_user_info
URL = "#{Endpoint} Users/Me"
Headers = {"Content type" => "Application/Json"}
response = httparty.get (URL, headers: headers)
if response.code == 200
Json.Parse (response.body) ['info']
Get a Specific User's Information
Def Get_user_info (User_ID)
url = "#{endpoint} users/me? Userid =#{user_id}"
Headers = {"Content type" => "Application/Json"}
response = httparty.get (URL, headers: headers)
if response.code == 200
Json.Parse (response.body) ['info']
Example Usage:
Binance = (binance_api_key, binance_secret_key)
signature = binance.authenticate
Authenticate with the api using the signature
User_info = binance.get_user_info
Puts User_info
Get a Specific User's Information
User_id = 12345
User_info = binance.get_user_info (user_id)
Puts User_info
Important Notes
- Make sure to keep your secret key secure and do not hard code it in your application.
- You should also make sure that the hmac algorithm is enabled in the Binance API Documentation. Currently, Only Sha256 is supported.
- If you encounter any issues with authentication or error response from the binance api, check the binance api documentation for troubleshooting guides.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.