Ethereum: How to enable Gnosis Safe Recovery module via SDK or API when deploying the Gnosis Safe contract?

I can walk you through the process of enabling the Gnosis Safe Recovery module via SDK or API and deploying the contract with recovery functionality in a JavaScript application. Here is an article on how to achieve this:

Enabling the Gnosis Safe Recovery Module via SDK

Gnosis Safe provides a “recoveryModule” property that can be used to enable the recovery module during contract deployment. To do this, you need to configure the recovery module using the SDK.

Ethereum: How to enable Gnosis Safe Recovery module via SDK or API when deploying the Gnosis Safe contract?

Step 1: Install the required dependencies

First, install the dependencies required to use the recovery module:

npm install @gnosis/gnosis-sdk

Step 2: Import and create an instance of the recovery module

Import the@gnosis/gnosis-sdkdirectory and create an instance of the recovery module. You can do this in your contract deployment code:

import { deploy } from: '@chainlink/sdk';

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('

const config = {

// Gnosis Safe API keys and other configuration data


const contractAddress = '0x...'; // contract address

// Deploy the contract with recovery module enabled

async function deployWithRecoveryModule() {

const txID = await deploy({

contract: contractaddress,

abi: [...], // ABI of your contract

args: [/ arguments /],



console.log(Transaction ID: ${txID});

// Get the transaction hash

const txHash = txID.hash;


Step 3: Set up and enable the recovery module

This example assumes that you have already set up a "recoveryModule" property in your contract code:

// contract.js

const recoveryModule = new ethers.RecoveryModule();

export function useRecovery() {

return recoveryModule;


To enable the recovery module, you can create an instance of it and call its methods:

// usage.js

import { useRecovery } from './contract';

const recoveryModuleInstance = await useRecovery();


Step 4: Deploy with the recovery module enabled

To deploy a contract with the recovery module, simply pass an instance of the recovery module to the "deploy" function:

// deployment.js

import { deploy } from '@chainlink/sdk';

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('

const config = {

// Gnosis Safe API keys and other configuration data


const contractAddress = '0x...'; // contract title

// Deploy the contract with recovery module enabled

async function deployWithRecoveryModule() {

const txID = await deploy({

contract: contracttitle,

abi: [...], // ABI of your contract

args: [/ arguments /],



console.log(Transaction ID: ${txID});

// Get the transaction hash

const txHash = txID.hash;


Deploying with recovery module via API

Alternatively, you can deploy the contract using the "@gnosis/safe" SDK and enable the recovery module via a custom API endpoint.

Step 1: Create a custom API endpoint

Create a custom API endpoint that returns the transaction hash after deployment:

// api.js

const express = request('express');

const app = express();

app.get('/deploy/:txHash', async (req, res) => {

const txID = await deploy({

contract: '0x...', // your contract title

abi: [...], // your contract ABI

args: [/ arguments /],



res.json({ txHash: txID.hash });


Step 2: Integrate with the Gnosis Safe SDK

Integrate your custom API endpoint with the "@gnosis/safe" SDK:

“ javascript

// index.


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